Thursday, October 15, 2009

36 weeks

Four weeks left to go and everything is almost ready for her arrival. Just a few odds and ends I still need to buy either for myself or for her. Dr's apt this week went well. She gained 6oz and now weighs 5lbs 4oz, I also gained 2lbs so I'm over my 20lb mark by 1lb. I didn't have any change in my cervix and she said next week I'll get yet another u/s to monitor her weight gain and will also discuss the options of getting her here. The Dr's says she should weigh at least 6lbs when she is born, but we'll see. I'd like to have her this month, so I can get back to work sooner and also cause the birthstone is prettier. October is an opal where Nov is an orange stone, not so pretty. Besides mom will be coming Nov 4Th and would rather have her visit with Adrionna then just me. Since she won't see her again until June or July when we go up to RI to get her baptized.

5 Weeks to go!!

With having only 5 weeks to go I'm getting very anxious to met Adrionna. I'm now on weekly Dr's appts and u/s. When I went this week I was a fingetip dialated, and she weighed 4lbs 140z. She's very small so hopefully she puts on alil more weight before she arrives. We got two swings, one from a friend and one from Candi. This is great so now I can have one in the bedroom and one in the living room. Adrionna is very active and her daddy loves to feel her move. I've gained 19lbs so far so not doing to badly. Sugers have been good for the most part, I'll be happy when she comes and I can go back to eating whatever I want again.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

34 weeks

Less than 40 days we should have alil girl to share our home with. We are very excited to meet her and I'm very excitied to get back to work. This staying home buisness is soo damn boring, plus it doesn't pay the bills, we are struggling month to month. This definelty won't happen again with the next pregnancy, I'll be looking shortly after I return to work for a new job that will allow me to work my whole pregnancy. We are actually looking to move to TN on the boarder of NC where there's more medical jobs for me. It probably won't be till spring/summer but we'll see. Depends on how bad the mold is this winter in the house. I went to the chiroprator today and jumped on their scale, it said I gained 3 1/2 lbs since last Wed, I hope thats not right. I go back next Wed Oct 7th for my next appt and can't imagine gaining another 3lbs before I get there.

33 weeks

The countdown is really on... I'm feeling good for the most part have bad back pain in between my shoulder blades if I sit at the computer to long. Also have pain under my right ribs where her butt and legs are, she's getting pretty cramped in there. She's weighing in at 4lbs 2oz right now and my weight is 175lbs, I gained my 2lbs back I had lost 4lbs but thats fine. Her room is just sitting their waiting for her. I've bought a few things she didn't have yet, but there is still more I need to get. Also got what we needed for the hospital and labor to help ease the pain. Hopefully everything goes smoothly.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

8 weeks left

32 weeks and counting down the weeks. The back pain is getting worse along with the pain under the ribs. I can't sit in the computer chair very long cause my back starts to really hurt. I've also been experiencing severe hip pain. I'm guessing my body is getting ready for her arrival and is letting my hips get loose to get into place for delivery. We've gone to a breast feeding class and found it to be very informative. We also met our new babysitter for Adrionna, very nice and intelligent lady who's got kids of her own. She's going to watch her for $20.00 a day which is great for us considering we only need her for two days mostly. We go next week for another u/s hopefully we'll get another 3d one, there really neat. She's been rolling around in there and amazing Carl every time he watches her move. I also had my shower this week, it was ok but would have been nicer if the invitations had been sent out 2-3 weeks before not less than a week before. I got some stuff but not what I was hoping for.

31 Weeks

I've been really slacking on the blogging, I'm getting tired now alot and just don't have the energy to do alot of things. I don't know if she's having a growth spirt and stealing all my energy or what. She's moving all around, constantly. Carl & I still go for our evening walks for my suger which has been doing very well. We went to the dr this week and I lost 3lbs which she said is ok, and is very happy with my sugers. We also got a 3d picture of her from the u/s which is really cool. I'll have another u/s in two weeks when I go back.

Monday, August 31, 2009

30 weeks

With only 10 weeks left, things are getting there. Her room is done and has been for about 2 weeks now. I went to the dr on Thursday and my placenta has moved up so no C-section for that. My sugers where good and I lost 1lb. Baby girl weighs 2lbs 14oz and is right on scheduale for Nov 7th. Me on the other hand are having a problem now with low amniotic fluid, she said it's just alil low. So will have another u/s in 2 weeks on Sept 9th to see how it is looking. I've been getting the Braxton Hicks contractions and I think some regular ones. They cause alot of heavy pressure and some pain. I've had a few that I actually had to breathe through. Tonight starts our 1st lamaze class, we've got 3 of them. It's been 13 years for me and 17 for Carl so hopefully we learn something.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Adrionna's Room

Want me to make you something special?

Want me to make you something special?
My good bloggy friend Kimbo is going to make me something special because I signed up on her blog, now it's your turn to get something special from me!The first 5 people to respond to this blog will get something made especially for them, by me, *who wouldn't want that?!So here's the "games" mumbo jumbo:
I have one year to get you your special gift - It really shouldn't take that long**
What I make you will be one of a kind***
You won't know what it is until it arrives at your doorstep****
You have to repost this on your blog and do the same for the first 5 responses to youDisclaimers:*there is no guarantee that you will like what I send you, ,**with me hopefully moving in the next month or so I'm not making any promises on a quick turn around, but it won't be a year***unless I like it so much I later make one for myself too**** At this point I have no idea what it is either!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

11 weeks to go

11 weeks to go is very exciting, won't belong before she is here. I'm not feeling to well this week, came down with broncitis so have been fighting that but went to the dr and she gave my a rx for 875mg of ammoxacilian so hopefully it will start working soon. I've been writing everything I eat down so I can see what brings my suger up and what doesn't. I go the end of next week for my u/s but i'm wondering now that I have GD will I get more u/s so they can see how big she is getting. No swelling as of yet, hopefully it stays that way. I've been drinking alot of water, so hopefully that has been helping. She is weighing according to my book almost 3lbs and is about 15 1/2 inches tall. I'm thinking she'll be about 20-21 inches when she is born. Now her weight couldn't even guess since they say the GD makes her gain weight fast, Arthur was 7lbs 6oz so don't think she will be that small, probably around 8lbs hopefully not 9lbs. If I have to have a c-section I want them to take her as soon as they can so I can get healed and back to work, this being out on short term and only bringing home $166.00 a week is killing us big time.

28 weeks

Well I went for my 1hr glucose test and failed took the 3hr glucose test and failed.... such dissappoinment and just overall shocked I am. So now I'm diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes, I've got to change my eating habits and what I eat not to mention test my suger 4x a day. They want to see if they can control it with just diet and excercise right now. I've started walking everynight after dinner, and the numbers jump around but it's going to take a bit till I'm used to this. Adrionna is very active, constantly moving around. I've gained 4lbs this month so a total of 18lbs so far. I start my every two week Dr's visit's now. Next visit I get another u/s to see if the placenta has moved up any. Adrionna's room is finished except just waiting on the crib which will come in Sept.

Monday, August 10, 2009

27 weeks

Well the time is counting down, faster every week. She's been moving around alot... jabbing me in the ribs. The acid reflux is the worst it's been so far, I'm hoping it doesn't get worse the next few months. I don't sleep well at night now because of it. I've got my next dr's appt on Thursday and will have my glucose test then, also will find out when I start my every two weeks appts. Also recieved 2 packages today of clothes for Adrionna one from Brandi a friend from WTE and Michelle my best friend and Adrionna's Godmother. Thank you to both of you!! It's greatly appreciated!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

26 Weeks

The time is starting to go by alil quicker, maybe this is because I'm home all day bored to death, just finding lil things to do to pass the time. Adrionna's room will get started on next week once the boys have left and we can start moving furniture out of her room. Still having a real fullness feeling at night especially and the heartburn. I try not to eat to late but sometimes we do and I pay for it later that night. She's been moving all around and kicking, it's great to feel. I found out today that my STD check will be about the same as what I've been bringing home, so not much is lost there.. which is a big relief.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

15 weeks left!!!

I can't believe I've only got 15 weeks left, still seems so far away. The heartburn is getting worse and worse every week. My weight is slowly going up and is going to surpase the 20lbs I was only surposed to gain. I figured I'd gain around 30 or so. A few more weeks and we will start on Adrionna's room... I'm very excitied to get it finished even though she won't be using it for a few more months it will be finished. I'll be having my 2nd baby shower the 2nd week of Sept so rather have it done by then so I can fit and organize everything. I still don't have much of an appitite, I don't really know why buy I guess it a good thing, I won't gain alot of extra weight.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

24 weeks

I'm on my way..... bought a some outfits for Adrionna this past week. I'm buying sizes 12 month for next summer, everything is on clearence and I'm loving it. She's moving around more and more and no you can watch me belly move up and down when she's turning over. Still have the heartburn but thats about it. Still not much of an appitite and no cravings. I'm officially out of work till after I have her probably go back around Christmas. Only bad thing about working at Pepsi, no light duty for me.

23 weeks

Another week on constant heartburn, nothing is working. Oh the joy's of

Monday, July 6, 2009

22 Weeks

The weeks just seem to be flying by now. As of this week I've gained a total of 13lbs, I don't think I'll stay under the 20lb limit that Dr.Lewis wants me to I think it's going to be more between 25-30lbs. I don't have much of an appitite, so I'm guessing it's mostly the baby growing. She's moving around alot now and it makes me laugh every time I feel it, everyday it's getting stronger and stronger. I go this thursday July 9th for another u/s and hopefully they will confirm 100% that it's indeed a she. I worked this past weekend and it was a very long and tiring weekend. I think when I go see her on Thursday I'm going to ask to be put on light duty, I can't handle the lifting and pulling at work anymore, especially not after this weekend working 14 hrs on Friday alone. We went to Bob's hose on Saterday and I got sun burned from laying in the pool, just my shoulders and chest but still really hurts. Carl went in for teenis elbow surgury today, he's in alot of pain, I'm hoping it won't last to long. The pain pills don't seem to be working for him yet.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

21 Weeks

This week has been a busy one, ajusting to having kids in the house again and playing mommy.... getting breakfest,lunch, diner and snacks all ready for them. Yesterday we went to Mary & John's and swam in the pool, it was nice and refreshing. Mary gave us a bassinet and some baby clothes.. which I'm very greatful for, I went through the 2 boxes and bag this morning and seperated them by sizes. I've still got really bad heartburn and back pain comes and goes. My energy level has been low and very tired so I started taking Iron to see if that will help. I hope it does cause I go back to work next Friday and don't need to be exhausted for it!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Some pics from the shower!

Half Way There!!

This week marks 20 weeks the half way mark. I'm feeling fine except for an occasional back and hip pain, along with aweful heartburn. We took a trip up to RI this past weekend and my mom had a great baby shower for me. I got alot of nice things are can't wait to use then on Adrionna. I've got 3 more weeks till my next Dr's appt and U/S. Hopefully they can confirm it's a girl 100% this time instead of just 85%. I'm getting very anxious to get started on her room but we have Tyler & Alex down till begin of Aug so it will get started on after that. I registered at Walmart lastnight, I will look on Target but think I've pretty much got it done. I can't wait for my next shower, then I can get the rest of what I need before she gets here.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

19 Weeks and counting

Well I'm feeling pretty good except for experiancing really bad dizzy spells yesterday, I've never had them before and it was alil never wrecking. After we went to my neighbors for dinner and I ate I felt better. We are getting ready to go up to RI on Friday to get Tyler & Alex for a month. My mom is throwing me a baby shower on Saterday, which I'm really excitied about. I still haven't registered down here yet. We went to the dr last tuesday for an U/S and the tech said we are having a girl! She was only 85% sure, so we are getting another u/s in 4 weeks at my next appt. It's getting pretty hot down here now was 97 yesterday and probably about the same today.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

85% sure it's a GIRL!!!

My appt went well, the tech was only 85% sure that it's a girl, she didn't see a scrotum, but since I ate the snickers and drank the mountian dew the baby wouldn't stay still lol.... So since she couldn't get a good measurement or pic of the heart and spine I get another u/s in 4 weeks. Yay!!! Hopefully by then we can get 100% confirmation, I also had the Alfpha Feta test so we'll see what the results come back as. Dr. Lewis said that they can come back as a false positive so if it does don't freak out. I also gained 3lbs this month so a total of 9lbs so far. Not to bad, I'm trying to stay in the 20lbs restriction that I was givin. Yay!! For Team Pink!! The chinese gender chart was right yet again for us.

Monday, June 8, 2009

18 weeks

I've been doing well, another week down and only 22 weeks left to go. I go tomorrow June 9th for my gender u/s, we are hoping for a girl only because we have 4 boys but will be greatful for whatever we have been given. There's always try again, good excuse right!! My weight has been doing well only 8.5lbs so far and hopefully stays within the 20lb restriction she has given me. i'm still having alot of problems with my hips especially my left hip.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

17 weeks

Well I forgot to post this past weekened when I turned 17 weeks. The baby is the size of a beanie baby. We've got a dr appt next Tuesday and will finally find out the sex. Grammie Perry is anxious to start buying clothes for her 2nd grand baby. So far I've gained 9 lbs with this pregnancy, hopefully it stays within the 20lbs that I was told to only gain. I've been feeling the baby kick alil bit more this week, it still scares me cause I don't expect it and they are hard kicks.

Monday, May 25, 2009

16 weeks Aka 4 months

I've reached the 4 month mark and are very pleased. I started to feel the baby kick on Thursday May 21, 09 after eating a snickers bar. I felt it again on Saterday after drinking a mountain dew. I know what to drink & eat when I go for my gender u/s on June 9th. Two more weeks and counting. I think I may have gained a few pounds but I would expect that since I didn't gain anything last month. I'm already looking into taking birthing classes just as a refresher since it's been, almost 13 years. I'm also going to take a breastfeeding class, since I've never done it before and could use all the guidence I can get. Also since I bought a breast pump from a friend that didn't come with instructions and I've got no clue how it works. I'm hoping if I bring it with me to the class they can instruct me on how to use it. I'm going to get replacement tubing for it just for sanitary reasons. I'm feeling good all and all, my energy still dwindles here and there. I read that you shouldn't sleep on your back cause it cuts the blood supply off to the baby, so went and bought a body pillow in hopes it will help me stay sleeping on my side. Well see!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

15 Weeks

I've got 1 more week till I'm 4 months, my belly is growing quickly now. My clothes are very tight and can't be zipped or buttened, I found this out today trying to wear my long pants to work. My butt has grown along with my hips and theighs, along with my belly. My baby is almost the size of a softball which is excellent. I went to the dr on Tuesday May 12th and I didn't gain any weight this month, which I was very happy about, I hope it continues or if I do gain a few slow pace. She told me I can work up until I deliver which I don't see this happening, considering what I do for work, but she said by 28 weeks she wants me on desk work. We dn't have an option of desk work at Pepsi, so I'll most likely go on light duty and turn into a cleaning bitch for Pepsi. I've had a very busy weekend at work and are ready for a rest. I'm heading to bed as we speak!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

26 Weeks to go!!

Well I've had to go and buy new clothes, not maturnity per say but just a bigger size. I bought 45 pairs of shorts, size 16/18 and hoping they will get me through the summer atleast. I also found some maturnity tank tops on clearance and bought a few xxl also to get me started through the summer as the maturnity ones are to big right now. The baby is the size of my fist, oh how it's grown, I can't wait for my u/s in June to see what he/she is and how big it's grown. Last time I say it was the size of a grain of rice. I've heard the heart beat finally on the doppler using Carl's expensive headphones. The ones that came with the doppler arn't strong enough to pick up the sounds yet. I've also been experianceing alot of pelivic pressure to the point I had to call the dr's office. They tell me it's normal but don't remember feeling any of this with Arthur. I have my 14 weeks appt this Tuesday May 12 and I'll tell her whats been going on. I've filled out the paperwork for short term dissabilty so it's already whenever I may need it. Work is going fine except every week I grow more and more tired at the end of my days. My appitite is back to normal and has been meaning I'm not eating as much as I did in the begining, I'm just not that hungry. As of last Wed I've only gained a 1lb since my last visit, we'll see on Tuesday if it stayed that way, which would give me a total of 7lbs so far.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Trimester 2 Starts!

My baby is now the size of a peach, how awesome. Next time I'm in the grocery store will be looking for peaches to measure myself how big. I'm feeling pretty good nothing really bothering me, the occasional heartburn/intergestion at night while trying to sleep. My nails have grown like wild fire the past two weeks, which I like since I haven't been able to keep long nails since I started at Pepsi. Work is going good getting more tired though as the weeks go by. Thats to be expected, with all the lifting and pulling of pallets. I've started buying diapers here and there, so I can have a stock pile for when I do have to go out on leave won't have to worry about them atleast. I did some planting this weekend since it's May I figured I needed to get some flowers in my pots and hanging baskets, will tackle the flower bed some other time, maybe June! Well I haven't gained anymore weight by my scale and I have my next dr appt on May 12 and hopeing it stays that way. I don't see the 20lbs being a goal number more like 35-40 is my range but we'll see.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

12 weeks AKA 3 Months

Well I'm coming right along, hit 3 months today and excitied about it. It won't belong before I really can't fit in any of my clothes. My feet are tired and sore and burning today, but I think that is from alot of walking I did today at work. I'm back to my normal eating habits and nothing really deters me other than whatever did before. No cravings really, I like fudgicle's but not eating tons and tons. I went the other day to CVS to get Carl's his perscription and found a few clearance items in the baby isle and picked them up. I got a pkg of 2 binki's, 2 bowles with covers and a spoon that tells you when the food is to hot, 4 tubes of balmax, 2 bottles of lotion, some breast pads and lil toss and go contiainers with lids. I made out very well saved $37.00 and it cost me about alil over $15.00 not bad. I think I'll be visiting there more to see what I can stock up on cheaply. I'm all about clearance items. I don't know if I had metioned it but a friend of ours is giving us a basinett that they used for there grandson and a bunch of clothes, I'm excieted. I can't wait to get it but have been procrastinating don't want to jinx myself to early.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

29 weeks to go!!

Well yesterday starting 11 weeks, the baby is 1 1/2 inches long and is the size of a large lime. When I read this makes me want to go to the grocery store to start measuring the fruit to see for myself exactly in my hand how big this lil person is. I'm feeling better lately, the heartburn has started the past few days, which is nothing big I had it with my pregnancy with Arthur. I'm still tired and try to nap when ever I can. I've got one more week till I start the next trimester, and I can't wait. I just want my energy back!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

25% of the way there

Well today starts 10 weeks and my baby has ended the emberonic stage and started the fetal stage, how exciting!! It's getting larger and my belly is slowly growing, my pants are getting less easier to zip never mind button that when out a few weeks ago. I'm still working and plan to as lnog as I can. My nausea has almost left only happens here and there. The fatigue is still around but not as bad. I'm finding myself getting out of breath faster. I've had a few more twinges here and there and seems to be alot of stretching type feeling at the top of my stomach right under my boobs. I started a new online program for medical billing and coding and should be down with it within 4 months but have up to a yr to finish it. I need to find something else to do for work, I don't know how long my body will stand working at Pepsi, with all that lifting and pulling. With this certificate program I can stay at home and work, thats what the advertise anyway. Well here's the pic of week 10

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Here's to 9 weeks

I've read that at 9 weeks my baby is the size of a strawberry, so it's almost doubled in size since last week. I think my belly may have grown alil but I will have to compare photos to see. The nausea is finally subsiding but the fatigue is still there. Only 3 more weeks to go to the 2nd trimester, hopefully everything will get better I'm hoping. I've bought a dopple with hopes of being able to hear the heartbeat, we tried the other night a thought we may have heard it faintly in the background. I'm sure once the baby gets bigger it will be alot eaiser to distinguish it definetly.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

8 weeks down 32 to go

Today marks the start of 8 weeks, seems like I've been waiting forever already for this belly to start growing, I want some proof that I am in fact pregnant. Is that asking to much, yes I have the nausea and fatigue and up and down all night peeing but that still isn't enough proof. I've heard the heart beat but want to see results. I decided to take a few pics. I had some extra weight to start with, so I can't really see anything growing yet. I've been told my baby is the size of a grape, does that mean a large grape or a small? Hmmm!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Our First U/S

Well yesterday was my 1st dr's appt, and it went well. I saw the baby (only one) on the screen it look more like a lil limabean. The heart beat was 140, pretty strong for only 6 weeks 1day. The baby is actually measuring 2 days behind when I'm due which I don't doubt since Fertility friend changed my O date 3 times last month. I'm still very nauseous and need to eat almost every hour. I went yesterday and bought some ginger candies because a friend had told me that they helped with the nausea. It helped yesterday, so I guess it was worth it.