Monday, August 10, 2009

27 weeks

Well the time is counting down, faster every week. She's been moving around alot... jabbing me in the ribs. The acid reflux is the worst it's been so far, I'm hoping it doesn't get worse the next few months. I don't sleep well at night now because of it. I've got my next dr's appt on Thursday and will have my glucose test then, also will find out when I start my every two weeks appts. Also recieved 2 packages today of clothes for Adrionna one from Brandi a friend from WTE and Michelle my best friend and Adrionna's Godmother. Thank you to both of you!! It's greatly appreciated!!

1 comment:

  1. You are so welcome! If I come across any other clothes she won't end up wearing I'll send them your way too! I can't believe how close you are. I remember when 30 weeks hit it was like a there was a whole nother time dimesion.
