Saturday, March 28, 2009

8 weeks down 32 to go

Today marks the start of 8 weeks, seems like I've been waiting forever already for this belly to start growing, I want some proof that I am in fact pregnant. Is that asking to much, yes I have the nausea and fatigue and up and down all night peeing but that still isn't enough proof. I've heard the heart beat but want to see results. I decided to take a few pics. I had some extra weight to start with, so I can't really see anything growing yet. I've been told my baby is the size of a grape, does that mean a large grape or a small? Hmmm!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Our First U/S

Well yesterday was my 1st dr's appt, and it went well. I saw the baby (only one) on the screen it look more like a lil limabean. The heart beat was 140, pretty strong for only 6 weeks 1day. The baby is actually measuring 2 days behind when I'm due which I don't doubt since Fertility friend changed my O date 3 times last month. I'm still very nauseous and need to eat almost every hour. I went yesterday and bought some ginger candies because a friend had told me that they helped with the nausea. It helped yesterday, so I guess it was worth it.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Carl & I met in December of 2002, my brother had just passed away from a herione overdose and I was living in CT. I came down to RI for my brothers funeral and went to my old local bar( cause there's nothing else to do) , one of my old friends worked there and also hung out. So my mom wanted me to move back to RI so I did and started hanging out with Carl & Rich. Carl had his xmas party but didn't have anyone to go with him and I love party's, so decided to go with him. We started to officially date on Jan 30. He came home with me and never left, we married July 31,2004. We've been TTC for over 3 years with no luck. I finally had the HSG(tubule dye test) done in Feb 09 and concieved the very same month. I'm at 6 weeks pregnant and due Nov 7,09.