Sunday, June 28, 2009

21 Weeks

This week has been a busy one, ajusting to having kids in the house again and playing mommy.... getting breakfest,lunch, diner and snacks all ready for them. Yesterday we went to Mary & John's and swam in the pool, it was nice and refreshing. Mary gave us a bassinet and some baby clothes.. which I'm very greatful for, I went through the 2 boxes and bag this morning and seperated them by sizes. I've still got really bad heartburn and back pain comes and goes. My energy level has been low and very tired so I started taking Iron to see if that will help. I hope it does cause I go back to work next Friday and don't need to be exhausted for it!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Some pics from the shower!

Half Way There!!

This week marks 20 weeks the half way mark. I'm feeling fine except for an occasional back and hip pain, along with aweful heartburn. We took a trip up to RI this past weekend and my mom had a great baby shower for me. I got alot of nice things are can't wait to use then on Adrionna. I've got 3 more weeks till my next Dr's appt and U/S. Hopefully they can confirm it's a girl 100% this time instead of just 85%. I'm getting very anxious to get started on her room but we have Tyler & Alex down till begin of Aug so it will get started on after that. I registered at Walmart lastnight, I will look on Target but think I've pretty much got it done. I can't wait for my next shower, then I can get the rest of what I need before she gets here.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

19 Weeks and counting

Well I'm feeling pretty good except for experiancing really bad dizzy spells yesterday, I've never had them before and it was alil never wrecking. After we went to my neighbors for dinner and I ate I felt better. We are getting ready to go up to RI on Friday to get Tyler & Alex for a month. My mom is throwing me a baby shower on Saterday, which I'm really excitied about. I still haven't registered down here yet. We went to the dr last tuesday for an U/S and the tech said we are having a girl! She was only 85% sure, so we are getting another u/s in 4 weeks at my next appt. It's getting pretty hot down here now was 97 yesterday and probably about the same today.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

85% sure it's a GIRL!!!

My appt went well, the tech was only 85% sure that it's a girl, she didn't see a scrotum, but since I ate the snickers and drank the mountian dew the baby wouldn't stay still lol.... So since she couldn't get a good measurement or pic of the heart and spine I get another u/s in 4 weeks. Yay!!! Hopefully by then we can get 100% confirmation, I also had the Alfpha Feta test so we'll see what the results come back as. Dr. Lewis said that they can come back as a false positive so if it does don't freak out. I also gained 3lbs this month so a total of 9lbs so far. Not to bad, I'm trying to stay in the 20lbs restriction that I was givin. Yay!! For Team Pink!! The chinese gender chart was right yet again for us.

Monday, June 8, 2009

18 weeks

I've been doing well, another week down and only 22 weeks left to go. I go tomorrow June 9th for my gender u/s, we are hoping for a girl only because we have 4 boys but will be greatful for whatever we have been given. There's always try again, good excuse right!! My weight has been doing well only 8.5lbs so far and hopefully stays within the 20lb restriction she has given me. i'm still having alot of problems with my hips especially my left hip.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

17 weeks

Well I forgot to post this past weekened when I turned 17 weeks. The baby is the size of a beanie baby. We've got a dr appt next Tuesday and will finally find out the sex. Grammie Perry is anxious to start buying clothes for her 2nd grand baby. So far I've gained 9 lbs with this pregnancy, hopefully it stays within the 20lbs that I was told to only gain. I've been feeling the baby kick alil bit more this week, it still scares me cause I don't expect it and they are hard kicks.