Monday, August 31, 2009

30 weeks

With only 10 weeks left, things are getting there. Her room is done and has been for about 2 weeks now. I went to the dr on Thursday and my placenta has moved up so no C-section for that. My sugers where good and I lost 1lb. Baby girl weighs 2lbs 14oz and is right on scheduale for Nov 7th. Me on the other hand are having a problem now with low amniotic fluid, she said it's just alil low. So will have another u/s in 2 weeks on Sept 9th to see how it is looking. I've been getting the Braxton Hicks contractions and I think some regular ones. They cause alot of heavy pressure and some pain. I've had a few that I actually had to breathe through. Tonight starts our 1st lamaze class, we've got 3 of them. It's been 13 years for me and 17 for Carl so hopefully we learn something.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Adrionna's Room

Want me to make you something special?

Want me to make you something special?
My good bloggy friend Kimbo is going to make me something special because I signed up on her blog, now it's your turn to get something special from me!The first 5 people to respond to this blog will get something made especially for them, by me, *who wouldn't want that?!So here's the "games" mumbo jumbo:
I have one year to get you your special gift - It really shouldn't take that long**
What I make you will be one of a kind***
You won't know what it is until it arrives at your doorstep****
You have to repost this on your blog and do the same for the first 5 responses to youDisclaimers:*there is no guarantee that you will like what I send you, ,**with me hopefully moving in the next month or so I'm not making any promises on a quick turn around, but it won't be a year***unless I like it so much I later make one for myself too**** At this point I have no idea what it is either!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

11 weeks to go

11 weeks to go is very exciting, won't belong before she is here. I'm not feeling to well this week, came down with broncitis so have been fighting that but went to the dr and she gave my a rx for 875mg of ammoxacilian so hopefully it will start working soon. I've been writing everything I eat down so I can see what brings my suger up and what doesn't. I go the end of next week for my u/s but i'm wondering now that I have GD will I get more u/s so they can see how big she is getting. No swelling as of yet, hopefully it stays that way. I've been drinking alot of water, so hopefully that has been helping. She is weighing according to my book almost 3lbs and is about 15 1/2 inches tall. I'm thinking she'll be about 20-21 inches when she is born. Now her weight couldn't even guess since they say the GD makes her gain weight fast, Arthur was 7lbs 6oz so don't think she will be that small, probably around 8lbs hopefully not 9lbs. If I have to have a c-section I want them to take her as soon as they can so I can get healed and back to work, this being out on short term and only bringing home $166.00 a week is killing us big time.

28 weeks

Well I went for my 1hr glucose test and failed took the 3hr glucose test and failed.... such dissappoinment and just overall shocked I am. So now I'm diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes, I've got to change my eating habits and what I eat not to mention test my suger 4x a day. They want to see if they can control it with just diet and excercise right now. I've started walking everynight after dinner, and the numbers jump around but it's going to take a bit till I'm used to this. Adrionna is very active, constantly moving around. I've gained 4lbs this month so a total of 18lbs so far. I start my every two week Dr's visit's now. Next visit I get another u/s to see if the placenta has moved up any. Adrionna's room is finished except just waiting on the crib which will come in Sept.

Monday, August 10, 2009

27 weeks

Well the time is counting down, faster every week. She's been moving around alot... jabbing me in the ribs. The acid reflux is the worst it's been so far, I'm hoping it doesn't get worse the next few months. I don't sleep well at night now because of it. I've got my next dr's appt on Thursday and will have my glucose test then, also will find out when I start my every two weeks appts. Also recieved 2 packages today of clothes for Adrionna one from Brandi a friend from WTE and Michelle my best friend and Adrionna's Godmother. Thank you to both of you!! It's greatly appreciated!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

26 Weeks

The time is starting to go by alil quicker, maybe this is because I'm home all day bored to death, just finding lil things to do to pass the time. Adrionna's room will get started on next week once the boys have left and we can start moving furniture out of her room. Still having a real fullness feeling at night especially and the heartburn. I try not to eat to late but sometimes we do and I pay for it later that night. She's been moving all around and kicking, it's great to feel. I found out today that my STD check will be about the same as what I've been bringing home, so not much is lost there.. which is a big relief.